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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[02 Jul 2008|06:56am]



It's Christmas in July!

And Father Christmas needs your help granting a few Christmas wishes...

A hot-dog gun for Justin.
A girlfriend for Andy.
Cho Chang for the Ravenclaws!
Some 7th Years for Demelza
A Magnum P.I. moustache for Anthony.

...just to name a few!

Just For Kicks is a trio-era, Hogwarts based RPG that is - you guessed it! - Just For Kicks. It's all about putting the 'play' back into role-paying and having a good time. We are looking to add a few more characters to our cast & maybe get a few wishes granted along the way.

Character List Taken PBs Rules
Application More Info
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[02 Jul 2008|03:15pm]

Character List | Rules | FAQs | PBs | Application

Long after Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort, life flourished. The children of the war grew into adults, having their own children, grandchildren... Life went on peacefully.

Unlike the Dark Lord defeated those many years previously, most people embraced death, "the last great adventure."

Entering purgatory, a door revealed itself to the left, allowing them access to Utopia, a world where their souls could happily carry out existence for the rest of eternity.

However, not everybody saw the door on the left. Others only saw the door on the right, plunging them into a world of eternal darkness and depravity.

It goes without saying that those cast into the Inferno are desperate to get to the other side.

Full Premise

Equilibrium is a game that takes place in the afterlife, set long after the epilogue of Deathly Hallows. All characters from any era, ever mentioned in the books, are available for play.


Bellatrix Lestrange, Salazar Slytherin, THE TRIO, Godric Gryffindor, Albus Dumbledore, James Potter, Lily Potter, Death Eaters, and more...

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[02 Jul 2008|05:37pm]
Game starts July 22nd!

Plot ~ Rules ~ FAQs ~ Cast ~ PBs ~ Application
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