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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[04 May 2008|03:10am]

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In 1996, the Dark Lord went back to the Gaunt dilapidated shack and found something he didn't expect: a hidden room. This room only appeared to the eyes of the Gaunts, who bared the name. It was very old magic, but now with his new body he could now see the room that had been a secret from him even within his youth. The room itself was a bedroom with lavish decorations, trinkets and a bunch of items that belonged to the Gaunts and Slytherin himself. It seemed to be interchangeable and could be any size, having every great answer that involved the Slytherin ancestry and the one thing he was looking to create: a way to be reborn. His search ended with something simple-- the Mirror of Erised, the mirror created by another who "mastered" death. Erised is the name of a woman who had found the solution to the veil but was unable to go that far with her experimenting. We all know that Voldemort is about experimenting, he stole the mirror after tracking it down from Russia and placed it in front of the veil.

Lord Voldemort spent a great deal of time preparing a complicated, time-set spell that would release in a time where Harry Potter nor his friends alive. When the preparations were finished, he needed to give the task of activating it to one of his followers. He handed it to Bellatrix LeStrange, but she perished and Rodolphus handed it off the the Malfoys. Lucius, for one, never wanted to bring him back and thus didn't do as instructed and neither did Draco. It wasn't until generations later where Cerbirus Malfoy, a far, far, far grandson to Draco that it was acted upon. Lord Voldemort would not be happy upon returning.

The year 3000, no one to defeat him.

Voldemort had a back up plan

House of Gaunt is a game that combines muggles, wizardry and a small war. Although, it's suppose to be more player-driven than super war-time driven. You can play anyone from anytime at any age.


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