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[16 Apr 2008|04:52pm]

Wanted Characters

Starting APRIL 18th!

Yes, it is yet another Marauder Era game, fixated on sixth year. The First war has started, and according to The Head Master of Hogwarts, school life will not be interrupted. However, the factions are forming, friends and families are divided by both death and by their own personal choices.


This is a unique new RPG that will attempt to bridge the gap between the canon, slash, and crack Harry Potter role playing worlds. Elysium and Elysium Fields are respectively are the canon world and the "dream"world. The canon game attempts to follow the lives of the Marauders and the Hogwarts students of their era. The "dream world" is where the djinn sweep their victims off to, and there, Most ANYTHING can happen.

Elysium is where Voldemort's strength is gathering, and he and his followers are preparing their sack on London. At Hogwarts, life goes on as usual,and no one is aware of the djinn's presence. There are vague memories of strange dreams, but most of the possessed are too confused by the"dreams" and have little more than vague (fuzzy) memories about what happened in their nightly visions. Eventually, the possess will gather and speak of their so called "memories", and Dumbledore will be involved.

Elysium Fields is our "dream world." Here, as we stated earlier, Most anything can happen. We ask that this site stays friends locked, and even then, warnings and cuts must be placed on the posts. We also ask that the players stay away from illegal activities, and act in an appropriate manner.

The moderators of this journal hold no liability for the posts contained with in and will do their best to effectively and consciously monitor the contents. Any and all liability for content contained in the posts falls to the players involved alone.
Premise. Rules. The "canon" game. The "dreamland" game. OOC. Application Process. Friend. The Character List
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[16 Apr 2008|05:32pm]

"Despite being cousins, the Black children were raised as if they were siblings.
Seeing how both Orion and Cygnus resides at the infamous Grimmauld Place, their children had been raised
together their entire lives. When they were very young, they were excedingly close, and would sign all their letters
SBARN, using the first letters of their first names, proving that they enjoyed functioning as one unit. As they
entered into adolescence, the children starting to split-up. The dark Bellatrix and wild Sirus were known as the
'Big Pair', while playful Narcissa and shy Regulus were called 'The Little Pair'. Gentle Andromeda, the middle child,
found her place in the family by being the one that the other children often looked to for advice, thus earning
her the title of 'The Little Governess'. It was these five children who made the story of the last generation of
Blacks to be so impacting; since it it was so tragic to see these once happy children fall victim to the cruelness
of their society"

-Jean Gilliard, French tutor of SBARN.

††Rules†† ††Taken/PBs†&dagger ††Open Characters†† ††Application†† ††Reasons To Join††

They were one of the most despised families in magical history, yet easily the most influential. The Black family was 'practically royal' in the way that up until their downfall in the year of 1979, they held more power than even the Ministry of Magic. Some people blame their downfall on the deep, almost spiritual-like relationship that Walburga and Druella held with Lord Voldemort. Knowing that the Blacks held the key to power within Magic England, some say that he used his companionship with the family to win over Pureblood society.

The real fall of the Black family started in August of the year 1975, when in the midst of growing close to Voldemort, the people of Wizarding England started protesting to end the influence that the Blacks had on the Ministry of Magic. By 1978, the Blacks were out of power. By 1980, all who had not been disowned or married off, were dead.

In 2004, journals were discovered that were used as a way for the children to privately communicate with their friends and families back in 1975. Through these journals, scholars of History of Magic have been able to glance into the lives of the last royal family of Wizarding England.

Game is brand new, so many characters are still open.
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