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New Hogwarts RP [24 Mar 2008|01:23am]

Rules. || Plot. || Application. || PB. || Rooming. || Student List/Contact Information. || Introduction/Leaving Forms. || Quidditch. || Prefects/Heads.

Setting: Hogwarts in 2008.

Plot Outline: Ten years from the end of the war. Deaths due to Voldemort is still touchy. Prejudices against mudbloods and halfbloods have diminished, but new prejudices have arisen. Houses in Hogwarts are very into house spirit. Read the plot link above for much more information.

Themes: How your character lives in Hogwarts. Prejudices towards muggles. Controlling secrets of the wizarding world.

Apply: Read over the Rules, Plot and Application(including the sample application in comments.)! And apply! We need members for every house and we're open to any kind of characters!
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[ viewing | March 24th, 2008 ]
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