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[05 Mar 2008|09:12am]

RP CommunityOOC CommunityDP CommunityHistory CommunityNPC Journal
PremiseRules & FAQsCharacter ListBackstories & Wanted CharactersApplication

The year is 1976 - a time of bellbottoms and platform shoes, disco music and embarrassing slang, burning bras and damning the establishment. It's a time of change and upheaval, where new ways of thinking are embraced by many and scoffed at by an equal amount. People are beginning to question the government, wondering if things should be done slightly differently. New kinds of music and fashion is emerging, making more conventional adults complain about the noise and wonder what will happen to the world with such a corrupt generation in the works. There is laughter, happiness, and the world is just as it always should have been.

But underneath the seemingly peaceful world, there is a darker plot being stirred about that is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Every day, more articles come out in the Daily Prophet describing strange attacks, curious deaths, and all out mysterious events that not even the editor can smooth over to not seem interconnected. The people are beginning to wonder, putting the puzzle pieces together. The older witches and wizards are reminded of the dark time of Gridelwald from years ago, praying that history will not go about its usual way of repeating itself. All the while, the not so quiet whisper of a man named Voldemort who prefers to be addressed as the Dark Lord goes through the masses.

Mad World is a role-playing game that takes place during the sixth year of the boys that we have come to know and love as the Marauders. We are a book canon compliant game, meaning that now that "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" has come out, we do expect all characters to abide by any and all canon that has been established by JK Rowling. We've been going strong since August of 2007, but we're always looking for more characters and players to join in the fun!

Wanted Characters: PETER PETTIGEW, LUCIUS MALFOY, MARLENE MCKINNON, EMMELINE VANCE, FABIAN PREWETT, GIDEON PREWETT, Amycus Carrow, Richard Crabbe , Barty Crouch, Anthony Goyle, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Gawain Robards, Rufus Scrimgeour

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[05 Mar 2008|10:20am]

Premise | | Rules | | The "canon" game| | The "dreamland" game | | OOC| | Application Process| | Friend | |The Character List

We are a brand new game starting March 4, 2008. It is yet another Marauder Era game, fixated on sixth year. The First war has started, and according to The Head Master of Hogwarts, school life will not be interrupted. However, the factions are forming, friends and families are divided by both death and by their own personal choices.

This is a unique new RPG that will attempt to bridge the gap between the canon, slash, and crack Harry Potter role playing worlds. Elysium and Elysium Fields are respectively are the canon world and the "dream"world. The canon game attempts to follow the lives of the Marauders and the Hogwarts students of their era. The "dream world" is where the djinn sweep their victims off to, and there, Most ANYTHING can happen.

Elysium is where Voldemort's strength is gathering, and he and his followers are preparing their sack on London. At Hogwarts, life goes on as usual,and no one is aware of the djinn's presence. There are vague memories of strange dreams, but most of the possessed are too confused by the"dreams" and have little more than vague (fuzzy) memories about what happened in their nightly visions. Eventually, the possess will gather and speak of their so called "memories", and Dumbledore will be involved.

Elysium Fields is our "dream world." Here, as we stated earlier, Most anything can happen. We ask that this site stays friends locked, and even then, warnings and cuts must be placed on the posts. We also ask that the players stay away from illegal activities, and act in an appropriate manner.

***Banner created by sadistica****

The moderators of this journal hold no liability for the posts contained with in and will do their best to effectively and consciously monitor the contents. Any and all liability for content contained in the posts falls to the players involved alone.
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[05 Mar 2008|03:46pm]

Wanted Characters | Taken Characters | Streets & Buildings | F.A.Q's | Application | Main Info

[info]euphorialane, is a post-Hogwarts, post-war canon up to Half Blood Prince game, set in the year 2004 and combining the magical world of Harry Potter, with social expectations and appointments. Unlike other games based on a no-war environment, Euphoria Lane provides mod designated events on a local, national, and international scale, so there will always be a plot to follow, alongside in-depth character development. We've also made it very easy for new players to catch up!

We are looking for motivated and creative role-players, who are willing to put effort into making the Harry Potter world as real as possible, through quality writing and original storylines. If you're a player looking to explore individual depths and development for a character you love, we invite you to join us with your wit, irony, and maybe a little flash of skin.

In return, we'll tickle your fancy with monthly organized game activities, writing challenges, and a space to create and develop the magical world of Harry Potter. This is a game focused on character development and writing, run by experienced moderators and completely drama free.

Join Euphoria Lane
Currently accepting applications


We are particularly in search for MALES, former Gryffindors/Slytherins, and Blood Purists/continuing Voldemort-sympathizers.

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