Harry Potter Roleplay Ads' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[21 Feb 2008|06:28pm]
Rules | Holds/Taken | Application

We all know how it ended and we've all read about how it got to that point, but how it all started is just as important. Join us as we get back to our [info]roots and discover the era that began it all. Before the Boy Who Lived ever took his first breath, witness the events that brought his parents together and the eventual turmoil that will take the entire wizarding world by storm. In Hogwarts and all over the rest of wizarding Europe, there is an aura of impending doom that has everyone in an unshakable state of unease. Rumors of murders and the unexplained circumstances surrounding them leave everyone nervous to walk out of their own front doors, wondering if they themselves could be next. Well, maybe not everyone. The Death Eaters are rising and determined to clean the bloodlines of the wizarding population, led by none other than Lord Voldemort, and the Order of the Phoenix is about to take to its own set of wings. Oh, yes, we all know what happens and how it ends, but the dynamics that shape the future start here.

Most characters are still available! Notably among these are James Potter, Alecto Carrow, Lucius Malfoy, and many more! Hold challenges are encouraged.

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