Friday, December 19th, 2008

Fic: Interrupting Fate (Snape/Draco, NC-17) for xxaphaniax

Author: [info]okydoky
Recipient: [info]xxaphaniax
Title: Interrupting Fate
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Snape/Draco
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
Summary: After that fateful night on the Astronomy Tower, Draco and Severus spend a night in Spinner’s End before moving on.
Warnings: Swearing, sex.
Word Count: 4,600
Author's Notes: Thank you so much to l_c, bts, and on for the beta, and ls for looking over this, I really appreciate it. Any remaining mistakes are my own.

happy holidays, xxaphaniax! )
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