Yule Balls - HP Yule Slash Exchange's Journal
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Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

    Time Event
    Notice: Sign-up limit increased!
    We are incredibly pleased and excited about the fantastic response that [info]hp_yule_balls has been getting so far. We're (nearly) overwhelmed! This is going to be a great fest.

    We had initially set the sign-up cutoff for writers at sixty, with two stories presented each day. However, we have decided to make the cutoff ninety due to the interest.

    If you're aware of an impediment to signing up (such as being away during sign-ups) and would like to participate, please feel free to email us at yuleballsmod@gmail.com. We want to make sure that you have a shot at participating.

    Finally, a quick reminder that there will be three separate posts. One for artists, one for writers, and one for pinch hitters.

    Thank you for your enthusiasm, and we'll see you at the sign-ups!

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