You know, I was going to go to work early today.... but then I spotted this and had to devour it, and now I won't have time for a coffee before my meeting, but I do not care, because I have a beautiful fic!
Character development is quite a kink of mine, and, really, I will never object to people trying to fulfil it, particularly when the results are as good as this. I love the setting too - did you know I lived in China for three years? - and the adorable cameo by the Chinese dragon and the cheesy cantonese pop. I'm with Cho on that one, though, there can be cheap love, the sort that comes and goes easily, wrapped up in the neat, wholesome packaging of lyrics that aren't heartfelt. I love, though, that Luna doesn't feel the same, that she doesn't believe that love can be cheap. You have no idea how happy all that made me.
I really love Luna here, with her straightforward way of cutting through the bullshit and seeing things without all the lenses of conformity. And Cho is just perfect as a woman who isn't quite sure of where she belongs or what she should be. I really think that Cho and Luna will both learn a lot from their liaison, whatever it turns out to be and however long it lasts. I'm really glad you gave them a hopeful ending that isn't unrealistic or saccharine.
And the sex in the dragon's nest? Yeah. Hot. I'd do that with either or both of them for the prospect of twelve years good luck - hell, even without that prospect. I really liked how Cho wasn't quite sure what to do, even once she got past her initial resistance.
Thanks so much for this, mystery author! If you really have been secretly fangirling me, this was a fantastic way to come out of the closet, because I loved this, absolutely. I want to fangirl you back now - if I don't already! I can't wait for the reveals!