HP Wankfest 2011


January 17th, 2008

nehalenia @ 01:33 am: Reminder: Wank Fest Sign Ups Starting Soon!
Sign ups for the fest will open tonight (January 17, 2008) at 10 pm EST. *Cue excitement!* When you see the sign up post (this isn't it, it will be up later) just comment with your chosen Character, Location and Object. Comments will be screened, so no one will know what perverted combo(s) you've chosen. You're allowed to claim up to two prompt combinations, so if you haven't made up your mind yet, better hurry!

Thanks to everyone who's been spreading the good word about the fest. If you know of anyone you think would enjoy this, but hasn't signed up yet, send them a nudge. And feel free to keep pimping the fest to your hearts' content.

nehalenia @ 12:50 pm: Sign Ups/Prompt Claiming Addendum
Sign ups/prompt claiming will be open until the end of January, so you don't have to rush home or stay up late or get up early or anything. We will not mark off any characters, and will only cross off locations or objects in the event of extreme over-use. Given the vast number of possible combos, we mods are anticipating claims that cover the whole wankage spectrum, and we hope that marking things off won't be necessary.

wanking_mods @ 10:00 pm: Wankfest 2008 SIGN UP POST!
Have your wank-writing or -drawing muscles all warmed up? Great! Here's what you need to know:

1. Read the rules.

2. Pick ONE character, ONE location, and ONE object from the table below.

3. Comment to THIS POST with your chosen character, location, and object. Also, please tell us whether you'll be creating fic or art. Since this is an anonymous fest, comments will be screened.

4. Multiple participants may select the same prompts. We will, however, strike locations and objects (not characters) off the list after they've been claimed by three people, just for the sake of variety.

5. Headers for fic and art will be provided closer to the due date, April 16, 2008.

6. At present, we intend to leave the sign-ups open until the end of January. We could conceivably close them earlier if there is a HUGE response. Although we don't expect this to happen, it's probably best to get your claims in fairly early.

Prompts table beneath the cut. There've been some additions since the last posting. )

We can't wait to see what everyone chooses! :D

ETA: Wow, everybody! In the first two and a half hours, we've already received 24 individuals signing up for a total of 31 prompts claims. And some of the ideas are truly inspired!

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