Harry Potter Traditions Fest

Happy Traditions, [info]jairissa! @ 02:04 am


Apologies to [info]melfinatheblue, your gift was meant to be posted today but your gifter managed to contact someone who contacted me to tell me that her power's been out for a while. There are only three gifts left (this one, plus two that I have been promised will be in this week), so I'm posting my co-mod's gift now instead of going on posting hiatus.

Title: Spring Awakening
Author: [info]ragdoll
Gift For: [info]jairissa
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks
Summary: As the Weasleys' May Day celebration draws near, Harry decides to follow his heart and pursue his partner in the Auror's Department, Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: Hard R/NC-17
Warnings: Mention of canon characters' deaths

Author's notes: This is for [info]jairissa who asked for many things including: laughter, discoveries, foreplay, alcohol, flowers, characters in love at all times, happy endings, flangst, humour, romance, EWE" and was more than happy to let the EWE extend several pages back so that I could let Tonks live happily ever after. . I hope this turned out to be close to what you wanted, [info]jairissa, and that you feel better soon!

Thanks to my wonder betas and cheerleaders, specifically S., K., R. and E. without whom - and my undying gratitude to the mods for giving me the time to write this story properly.

Read it here or at Livejournal, and be sure to leave feedback for all of our lovely participants!

Spring Awakening )

Harry Potter Traditions Fest