Harry Potter Traditions Fest

Happy Traditions, [info]lesyeuxverts00! @ 12:07 am


Title: Fire and Ice
Author: [info]jairissa
Gift For: [info]lesyeuxverts00
Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius
Summary: Books are boring enough as it is; sticking poetry in there should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Heavy quoting from the works of Robert Frost.
Author's notes: [info]lesyeuxverts00, I tried to incorporate a decent amount of your kinks, although this story is told more sideways than backwards. I hope I have kept the fluff in check, especially considering the AU turn it took at the end. Eternal thanks to A, for beta-ing and everything else.

Read it here or at Livejournal, and be sure to leave feedback for all of our lovely participants!

Fire and Ice )

Harry Potter Traditions Fest