Harry Potter Traditions Fest

Happy Traditions, Everyone! @ 02:28 pm


This was meant as a gift to the late [info]roseredqueen, a friend of mine. In her memory, I'm gifting it to the whole community - thanks very much to all of you for waiting when things weren't quite so organized around here. Happy Traditions!

Title: The Hogwarts Rule
Author: [info]lesyeuxverts00
Gift For: all fest participants!
Pairing(s): Scorpius/Rose
Summary: Gryffindors believed that rules were meant to be broken.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Underage participants (under 18), but nothing more than a kiss. Epilogue-compliant (except for one conveniently-ignored character death).
Author's notes: Huge thanks to K, E and R for betaing this for me! [info]roseredqueen, I wasn't able to use all of your kinks, but I do hope that this pleases you nonetheless.

Read it here or at Livejournal, and please leave feedback for all our lovely authors!

The Hogwarts Rule )

Harry Potter Traditions Fest