The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 24th June 2011

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-Wikipedia on Tarot
-PadfootMK's Pensieve HP Tarot
-Original Waite meanings (PDF download)

June 24th, 2011

09:22 pm - Getting Ready for Round Four
I'm prepping for the fourth round of [info]hp_tarot!

Is there anyone out there who would like to volunteer to be co-moderator? What would be especially awesome is if I could have one co-mod for IJ and one for DW to handle the cross-posting? With fandom scattered across all three sites, I feel we need to mirror on all three places. The DW mod would need to set up the comm there...

I could also use someone to make the award banners at the end of the fest. I'd give you a list of winners who would need banners made. Last fest there were over 40 banners.

Just to help everyone get psyched up for the fest, remember this? Slide show of some of the previous gorgeous art... (under the cut...)Read more... )

*Read the Cards*

11:45 pm - Claiming Table Preview
To start getting folks psyched up for the fest, I'm posting the current draft of the claiming table.

Please make suggestions for characters or situations from the HP books that match these interpretations, or suggest an alternate interpretation! I'll fill in some more as we go.

The way the table is set up there are separate columns for FIC and ART claims. If a column reads DONE for a particular card, that means that was done in a previous round and is NOT available this time. If there's a blank space under your desired format (for or art) though, it is open for claiming.

Claiming will not start until July 15th, so don't start trying to claim yet! For now, just suggestions of any other characters, situations, or interpretations you'd like to see!

Big ol' table under the cut! Read more... )

*Read the Cards*

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