The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 25th March 2007

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March 25th, 2007

05:08 pm - Right Person, Right Time (Harry, gen)

Title: Right Person, Right Time
Author: [info]sktypied
Type: Fiction.
Length: 3119.
Main character or Pairing: Adult Harry (Harry/Charlie implied).
Card: The Magician.
Card Interpretation: The Magician is connected to both the physical/conscious and the spiritual/subconscious worlds, the perfect union of positive and negative. He creates and preserves; he destroys and redeems. His true power is that he not only knows what he must do, but he knows how he must do it and why he must do it. Then he does it. He has both the will and the power to do whatever infinitely possible things he wishes to accomplish. He is self-reliant, clever, inventive, and persuasive. People listen and agree with him. This is someone with a magnetic personality, someone who can convince people of almost anything.

Reversed - Manipulative. Weakness of will. Ineptitude. Insecurity. Deception. Confusion, hesitation, inability to make decisive choices. Inability to properly utilise time or talents. Lack of inspiration or energy. Giving up easily, poor self image.
Rating: G.
Disclaimer: Anything you recognise in the following fiction belongs to JK. The above description of the Magician is pieced together from Ata-Tarot, Paranormality, and
Warnings: Implied character death (not the main characters).
Summary: After the War, Harry finds himself drifting, searching for the right person and time to tell.
Author Notes: Thanks to [info]nohara_megami for betaing. :)

Right Person, Right Time.

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