The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 27th February 2007

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February 27th, 2007

05:35 pm - Art - The Lovers
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sapphocles)

Title: The Lovers
Author: [info]sapphocles (aka [info]freckles42)
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Ron/Hermione, plus Fawkes
Card: The Lovers
Card Interpretation: "Lovers, companionship, and a merging of opposites."
Rating: PG, but with artistic nudity (so potentially NWS)
Disclaimer: The art is mine but the characters are not. No money is being made, etc.
Warnings: None.
Artist's Notes: My first watercolour in a long time. I really have a lot of details I like, for example, the clouds, the knight chess piece, the quills... Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! :)

( The Lovers )
Current Mood: calm

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