The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 19th February 2007

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February 19th, 2007

12:10 am - What She Deserved (Justice)
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fernwithy)

Title: What She Deserved
Author: [info]fernwithy
Type: Fic
Length: 1725 words
Main character or Pairing: Merope/Tom, with implied Voldemort
Card: Justice
Card Interpretation: Justice. Proper balance. Harmony. Virtue. Honor. Just reward. Equilibrium. Poise. Impartiality. Reversed: Bias. False accusations. Bigotry. Severity in judgment. Intolerance. Unfairness. (I'll leave it to you all to decide whether or not Tom's card was reversed!)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Standard--JK owns it.
Warnings: Murder and other adult themes.
Summary: Tom Riddle feels a need to explain a few things to his visiting son.
Author Notes:First, I switched card interpretations, because I forgot I'd been using the Gray and was going by the little book in with my cards. Second, I tried this format once in Merope's point of view, decided it was too weird for the challenge and disqualified it by posting it publicly on my journal early, then, when I sat down to do the story from Tom's point of view, ended up in the same style! Oh, well, I guess this is the voice it wanted. Beta'd by [info]kizmet_42

What She Deserved )

*Read the Cards*

12:24 am - FIC: Wheel of Fortune
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]stephanometra)

Title: The Wheel of Fortune
Author: [info]stephanometra
Type: Fic
Main character or Pairing: In a startling turn of events - the Founders and the Sorting Hat
Card: Wheel of Fortune
Card Interpretation: Beginnings. Synthesis. Uncertainty. Hope.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: So not mine it's painful.
Summary: The Sorting Hat only seems to have a mind of its own.
Author Notes: Thanks to [info]rustallion for the beta!

( Wheel of Fortune )


04:48 pm - Art: Knife-throwing (Four of Swords)
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lillithium)

Title: Knife-throwing
Artist: [info]lillithium
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry/Draco
Card: Four of Swords
Card Interpretation: "Vigilance, retreat, solitude, hermit's repose, exile, tomb and coffin."
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not mine. No money is involved and no copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: Mild D/s

( Knife-throwing )


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