The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 17th February 2007

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February 17th, 2007

10:51 am - Lifting the Veil - FIC (Harry at Dumbledore's Tomb, PG-13)
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lunalovepotter)

Title: Lifting the Veil
Author: lunalovepotter
Type: Fic
Length: 1975 words
Main character or Pairing: Harry at Dumbledore’s Tomb. Minor H/G
Card: Four of Cups
Card Interpretation: "Everything you need and could hope for is available to you, but your own dissatisfaction or negative outlook is keeping
you from taking advantage of it."
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:This is non-commercial fanfic.
Warnings: Deals with the emotional effects of depression. Very dark and angtsy.
Summary: In the weeks following the final battle, Harry is having difficulty assimilating himself into a life of normalcy. Despite the fact that he now has everything he could have ever wanted – peace, love, friendship, family– he feels utterly incapable of enjoying it.
Author Notes: Beta read by the incomparable [info]the_vixxmeister. This fic is based on my personal experience with depression, and how it affects the family and friends of those who suffer from it.

Lifting the Veil )

*Read the Cards*

10:48 pm - ART Seven of Wands
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tripperfunster)

Whoo! Just under the wire, here. Sorry for the late post, but I got called into work early today, and, of course, got home late, so here it is!

Card: 7 of Wands
Character: Snape
Rating: G
Medium: Ink and Watercolour

The Card be Here

*Read the Cards*

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