HP Summersmut - August 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 30th, 2008

[ART] Down to the river: Charlie/Snape :: gift for [info]rose_whispers [Aug. 30th, 2008|12:00 am]
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Title: Down to the river
Recipient: [info]rose_whispers
Pairing: Charlie/Snape
Rating: R
Medium: Digital - photoshop, with tablet.
Warnings: Elephants crossing. Two moments shown in the same image.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Charlie thought it was a good thing he'd taken that holiday, because he kept seeing a dead man round Thiruvananthapuram and that couldn't be a sign of sanity. He was convinced of his lunacy when the man-who-couldn't-possibly-be-Snape sat down next to him in a bar one day and snarled, "Stop following me, Charles Weasley, I've done my time with you lot." Protestations of innocence didn't work until the offer of a drink, then several more, and then Charlie found himself pinned against Snape's sheets with a mouthful of tongue, confirming that Snape was definitely alive and holidays could always improve.
Artist's Notes: So, [info]rose_whispers mentioned sex in unusual locations in her list-o-fun, and apparently that meant that I couldn't get the thought of elephants out of my head :). The setting for this picture is Kerala, India, and the insects, foliage, and the elephants themselves are all local (although, okay, I don't think the yellow flower – a poorly rendered Cassia Fistula actually grows near the water - but it is the state flower of Kerala, and apparently has *loads* of historical use as a curative, so I couldn't quite resist using it :) ).

Down to the River )
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[FIC] back to when it all falls apart: Remus/Sirius :: gift for [info]wook77 [Aug. 30th, 2008|08:00 am]
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Title: back to when it all falls apart.
Recipient: [info]wook77
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: R
Word Count: 11,223
Warnings: An obscene amount of kissing (for me anyway), intentional changes in tense, and angst. The smut is vanilla.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: “I’m afraid I’m not a very good story-teller,” Remus said, tipping his head back against the chair. The fraying edges tickled the back of his neck, and the alcohol let him pretend it was night spun into silk. “I feel as though I’ve cheated you beginning in medias res – in the middle of things – but it’s the only way I know how to tell it. You see, I can’t bear to begin at the beginning. We were all so happy then.”
Author's Notes: Thanks so much to [info]wook77 for the fabulous requests; think I got most of what you asked for in there, including the pocket-protector. Another wave of gratitude to SM for beta-reading; the socks are for you. You are both awesome on toast. And also thanks to Rupert Grint for having the last name Grint. You’ll make a fine ice cream man one day.

back to when it all falls apart. )
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[FIC] Both. Equally.: Luna/Dean/Seamus :: gift for [info]attilatehbun [Aug. 30th, 2008|04:00 pm]
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Title: Both. Equally.
Recipient: [info]attilatehbun
Pairing: Luna, Dean, Seamus
Rating: R
Word Count: ~2650
Warnings: Infidelity
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Dean loves them both. Equally.
Author's Notes: [info]attilatehbun, I hope you enjoy this. I took your requests for not-strictly-linear narrative structure to heart while playing with your request of established versus getting together relationships. To my betas, merci beaucoup times a million (of course, all remaining mistakes are my own). To [info]thescarletwoman - you have the patience of a saint to put up with me. Thank you for running this fest.

Dean has Seamus bent over the arm of the sofa, hands spearing into hair while mouths ravage, searching for new untouched flesh. This is exactly how it should be. Even though it shouldn't be at all.

Both. Equally. )
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