HP Summersmut - September 14th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP Summersmut

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September 14th, 2007

[FIC] One Step Ahead: Luna/Fred/George [Sep. 14th, 2007|12:00 am]
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Originally posted here on 14 September 2007

Title: One Step Ahead
Requestor: irisgirl12000
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Summary: When Luna is in need of some assistance ridding her property of some Improbable Beasties, she turns to the experts at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes for help.
Warnings: light bondage, slightly rough sex, dirty talk, threesome and barely-there Twincest. This is canon compliant through Half-Blood Prince with no Deathly Hallows spoilers but I guess it's now got to be considered a/u.
Author's Notes: irisgirl12000 asked for "hair-pulling, dirty talk, slightly rough sex, boots kink, semi-public sex, cross-dressing, and light bondage". I tried to work it all in for her to varying degrees. I hope she likes it. Thanks to my betas and support team for keeping me going and especially to thescarletwoman for her patience and understanding!

One Step Ahead )
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[FIC] Lovely Wicked Things: Hermione/Oliver/OFC [Sep. 14th, 2007|10:00 am]
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Originally posted here on 14 September 2007

Title: Lovely Wicked Things
Requested by: nyruserra
Pairing: Hermione/Oliver/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Threesome, bondage
Summary: A conference in a foreign country is an eye-opening experience for Hermione, but not because of the guest speakers.

Lovely Wicked Things )
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[FIC] Le Tourbillon: James/Lily, Sirius/Lily, others [Sep. 14th, 2007|03:00 pm]
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Originally posted here on 14 September 2007

Title: Le Tourbillon
Requestor: krystal_moon
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James/Lily, Sirius/Lily, Sirius/James, Sirius/Remus, implied Sirius/Regulus
Summary: Who doesn't want to be loved by everyone?
Word Count: 35,260
Warnings: voyeurism, fingering, drug use, boys being assholes, femdom, poetry, angst, unrealistic portrayals of achieving orgasm, extensive foreshadowing, exhibitionism, excessive length, wall sex, (constant) alcohol use, incest, occasional breach of the fourth wall, over-indulgent discussion of a car, fluff, the French.
Author's Notes: A big, big, big, big thank you to my Dylan Thomas who held my hand through the madness -- you are a total goddess. Also, so many thanks to Lia who resisted the urge to kill me every time I asked for an extension or seven. I couldn't possibly list all my inspirations for this story, but the principle inspirations were Truffaut's Jules et Jim, Godard's Pierrot le fou, and Cuarón's Y tu mamá también. Bonus points if you can find the rest. I hope you like it, krystal_moon!

Le Tourbillon
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