October 20th, 2008

11:01 am
[info]auntbijou: A Twist Betwixt

Title: A Twist Betwixt

Author: [info]auntbijou
Category: one-shot/angst
Rating: NC-17

Pairing: LM/?/DM

Disclaimer: It’s not mine, it’s the lovely J.K. Rowling’s. I just like to play with them and leave them with their hair mussed, their cheeks flushed, and looking vaguely disoriented.

Warning: Dub-con, slavery, anal, male-male, threesome, mind-games

Summary: Now that they have him trained up the way they like, the Malfoys may never give up their latest toy.
A/N: A birthday prezzie long ago for [info]florida_minxie, and not incidentally betaed by her as well, since she got first reads at that time. I've pulled it out, dusted it off, and given it a few tweaks here and there.

Twist between them... )