Harry Potter Writing Prompts
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February 2008
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Back August 27th, 2007 Forward

I just wrote up the community rules. They're pretty simple, actually, so I'll post them both here and on the userinfo page.

The Rules

1. Reviews are love, flames are not. Flaming will not be tolerated in any form. Everyone is entitled to their own interpretations/pairings etc.

2. Any rating/pairing is encouraged, as are AU works. Anything that contains Deathly Hallows spoilers, for now, please put a warning just in case. Also, please add warnings for incest/chan/fetishes etc. to be safe.

3. All writings should be put under a cut.

4. Drabbles are fine, but if you fail at writing 100 words exactly, they can be longer or shorter than that. If something winds up becoming a full-blown story, that's fine as well. Whatever your vision is, feel free to create it your way.

5. Prompts will be posted about once every week. Feel free to post what you have at any time after the prompt is given, there's no need to wait.

6. Formatting: Please put the story's title and rating in the subject line. As far as the header, please list the title, author, pairing(s) (if any-if it's gen, a list of the characters involved is fine), rating, word count, summary, warnings, and any disclaimers/notes. The summary and notes can be placed under a cut if you would prefer.

7. Most important: have fun and spread the word!

I will be posting the first 'prompt' tonight! :D

- Harleen

Current Mood: busy busy
First Prompt

Well, this isn't actually a prompt like what we'd normally have, which would either be ideas or photographs to inspire a drabble/fic. Instead, given that the first of September is on Saturday, the first prompt is to post whatever you have planned for:

banner by [info]lilithilien

[info]florida_minxie is pimping an idea that's well overdue. In all the panic and politics, we've been neglecting a very important thing: porn!

Your Mission is...

(1) Pimp this in your journal
(2) Write or Draw fandom smut
(3) Post on September 01
(4) Comment, Comment, Comment

In other words: go ahead and add your contribution to the BBTP Challenge here as your prompt for the week!

Next week, when Nichole gets back from Atlanta, we'll start with the actual community prompts! Any ideas you may have for future prompts, feel free to comment here!

- Harleen

Back August 27th, 2007 Forward