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Feb. 14th, 2012


Cadence (Second Movement, Part II of II) - A gift for secretsalex!

Title: Cadence (Second Movement)
Author: [info]daiseechain
Recipient: [info]secretsalex
Pairing(s): Lucius/Harry
Word Count: 11,278
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dub-con, Slavery, D/s, BDSM, Verbal humiliation
Summary: He'd been locked in a cupboard and kept as a slave for eleven years. He'd outlived that. He was patient. He would outlive this.
Author's Notes: Hope you enjoy this, Secretsalex!
Disclaimer: HP, all the characters from HP, all the rights to HP belong to those they belong to (I'm not going to set them all out because that's incredibly complicated and you know who you all are and none of you are me). This is a work of fiction, being distinguishable from real life by the fact that nothing in this story or the source material happened in the real world. Any lawyers tempted to sue because there might be damage to real people should get themselves a real life.

The game was the same for a while after that. )


Cadence (First Movement, Part I of II) - A gift for secretsalex!

Title: Cadence (First Movement)
Author: [info]daiseechain
Recipient: [info]secretsalex
Pairing(s): Lucius/Harry
Word Count: 11,278
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dub-con, Slavery, D/s, BDSM, Verbal humiliation
Summary: He'd been locked in a cupboard and kept as a slave for eleven years. He'd outlived that. He was patient. He would outlive this.
Author's Notes: Hope you enjoy this, Secretsalex!
Disclaimer: HP, all the characters from HP, all the rights to HP belong to those they belong to (I'm not going to set them all out because that's incredibly complicated and you know who you all are and none of you are me). This is a work of fiction, being distinguishable from real life by the fact that nothing in this story or the source material happened in the real world. Any lawyers tempted to sue because there might be damage to real people should get themselves a real life.

The chime was soft and as it tripped up and down a scale.... )

Feb. 13th, 2012


Finsternis - A gift for gamma_x_orionis!

Title: Finsternis
Author: [info]roadkill2580
Recipient: [info]gamma_x_orionis
Pairings: Rodolphus/Narcissa, implied Rodolphus/Bellatrix
Word Count: 1531
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Humiliation, bondage, graphic torture, hints at bdsm, sadism, non con
Summary: Narcissa has to pay for her mistakes.
Author's Notes: I don't think this is quite what my recipient wanted, so hopefully they won't be too upset with the tangent I took.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. At all. End of story.

Finsternis )


Week One Round Up 2011/2012

Friday 10th February: I Am Your Punishment for [info]daiseechain [ART]
[Lucius/Bellatrix, R] Lucius has displeased the Dark Lord. Bellatrix is his punishment, and he is her reward.

Saturday 11th February: A Performance Agreed Upon for [info]slythrngodss
[Harry/Draco, R] The war has dragged on for six long years. As a spy for the Order, Draco finds a way to sneak Harry into the inner sanctuary of the Death Eaters. It just requires a strategic performance on both their parts.

If you rec any any fic or artwork from [info]hp_prisonerfest, please leave a comment here with the link. We're collecting recs for the [info]dailysnitch :)

Feb. 11th, 2012


A Performance Agreed Upon - A gift for slythrngodss!

Title: A Performance Agreed Upon
Author: [info]secretsalex
Recipient: [info]slythrngodss
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Word Count: 2,500
Rating: R
Warnings: D/s, Master/slave relationship, whipping, humiliation
Summary: The war has dragged on for six long years. As a spy for the Order, Draco finds a way to sneak Harry into the inner sanctuary of the Death Eaters. It just requires a strategic performance on both their parts.
Author's Notes: I don't know you, [info]slythrngodss, so I don't know for certain if this is to your taste—but for what it's worth, I really had fun writing it. I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: JKR created the boys. I just queer 'em.

A Performance Agreed Upon )


I Am Your Punishment - A gift for daiseechain!

Title: I Am Your Punishment
Artist: [info]pristineungift
Recipient: [info]daiseechain
Pairing(s): Bellatrix/Lucius
Medium: Comic Book: A combination of colored pencils, ink pens, and digital coloring.
Rating: R
Warnings: Nudity; Sexuality; DubCon; Adultery; Chains
Summary: Lucius has displeased the Dark Lord. Bellatrix is his punishment, and he is her reward.
Author's Notes: I based the character designs/style on Ozai and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and based their poses on screencaps because I do much better when I have a direct reference to look at.
Disclaimer: All characters, places, and situations recognizable from Harry Potter and/or other media belong to the appropriate parties. No profit is being made. All original content, including but not limited to plot lines and characters, belong to this user. Please request permission before redistributing.

I Am Your Punishment )


Posting Is About To Start!

Posting is about to start for our third round of [info]hp_prisonerfest!

Before we begin, here are a couple of important things...

We have a lovely variety of pairings, so if something isn't your thing, please be respectful. We won't accept any wank or ship-bashing.

For authors and artists participating in the fest, please remember that this is an anonymous exchange, so you shouldn't post your work anywhere else or reply to any comments until the Masterlist has been posted at the end of the fest.

There will be a few fics posted to the community, so please give them lots of love too! The quality of gifts this round is absolutely exceptional ♥ Comments are very much appreciated, so if you like a gift, please leave a comment to let them know!

In regards to the posting schedule, there will be one fic posted every day except for Sunday, which is our catch up day. We'll also be posting the weekly round up on a Sunday.

We will be posting at LiveJournal, InsaneJournal and DreamWidth.

Without further ado, let the gifting commence!

[info]scarletladyy & [info]pretty_panther

Oct. 14th, 2011


Sign-Ups Are Open at HP Prisoner Fest! :D

Sign-ups are open over on LJ for the third round of [info]hp_prisonerfest! :)

Please go here to sign-up! We'd love to have you :)

Oct. 11th, 2011


Rules & Timeline

Rules & Info )


Sign Ups: 14th October - 28th October
Assignments Sent Out By: 6th November
Submissions Due: 1st February
Posting Starts: 10th February

You can find pimping material for pimping the fest here, and we'd be very grateful if you spread the word! :) The last two years were a success, so I hope this one will be too! :)



Pimping Materials! )


HP Prisoner Fest 2011/2012

[info]hp_prisonerfest is indeed happening this year! As usual, the main fest will be taking place on Live Journal, but if there is a call for it I will post the fics here too :) Your mod for this round will be myself, [info]scarletladyy, with help from my friend [info]pretty_panther :)

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