February 18th, 2012

[info]scarletladyy in [info]hp_prisonerfest

I'll Wait for You Until the Moon Wanes - A gift for naturegirlrocks!

Title: I'll Wait for You Until the Moon Wanes
Artist: [info]knowmefirst
Recipient: [info]naturegirlrocks
Pairing(s): Lucius/Remus
Medium: Digital Art
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Remus is a prisoner to the moon and he'll will always be, Lucius knew this since the beginning. However, like a faithful lover he waits for Remus each full moon, until Remus can come back to him.
Author's Notes: I really hope you like this and I hope I got the pairing correct. If not forgive me!
Disclaimer: I do not own them and don't make money.

I'll Wait for You Until the Moon Wanes )