
Love/Lust is in the air every day in May

Harry Potter et. al. May Madness



Skipped Back 20

May 25th, 2017


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Title: Unbent
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: R
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Neville Longbottom.
Summary: Ron's not gay, but a snog is a snog.
Word Count: 980
Warnings: First time, boys being boys.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Twenty-Five prompt(s) used: However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship
Word Prompts: unfortunate, unity, unicorn
Pairing: Ron/Neville
Kink: frottage
Beta(s): [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Unbent on LJ/IJ/DW.

May 24th, 2017

Day 25 Prompts

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Seven more days!!!

Prompts as follows:

Pairing: Ron/Neville

Prompt: However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship

Word prompts: unfortunate, unity, unicorn

Kink: frottage


Nim9 & Snapealina

Toy Tale

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Title: Toy Tale
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley.
Summary: Teddy gets welcomed home.
Word Count: 430
Warnings: None.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Twenty-Four prompt(s) used: I felt special until I saw you talk to everyone like that...
Word Prompts: X-Men, Xinzhou, xylophone
Pairing: Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley
Kink: sex toys
Beta(s): [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Toy Tale on LJ/IJ/DW.

Closing Time

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Title: Closing Time
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Teddy/Victoire
Word Count: ~200 words
Rating: PG-13
Content: Angst
Challenge/prompts used: Pairing
Author's Notes: Written for [info]hp_may_madness Day 24.

DW :: LJ :: IJ

May 23rd, 2017

Taking Notice

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Title: Taking Notice
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley.
Summary: Hermione knows when to talk and when to stay quiet.
Word Count: 600
Warnings: None.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Twenty-three prompt(s) used: Could you stop looking at her, and maybe notice me?
Word Prompts: holiday, hot, horse
Pairing: Hermione/Ginny
Kink: bondage
Beta(s): [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Taking Notice on LJ/IJ/DW.

Where Women Glow

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Title: Where Women Glow
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Hermione/Ginny
Word Count: ~200 words
Rating: PG-13
Challenge/prompts used: Pairing, holiday, hot, bondage
Author's Notes: Written for [info]hp_may_madness Day 23. Title from Men at Work.

DW :: LJ :: IJ

Day 24 Prompts

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Last of the next gen prompts!

Prompts as follows:

Pairing: Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley

Prompt: I felt special until I saw you talk to everyone like that...

Word prompts: X-Men, Xinzhou, xylophone

Kink: sex toys


Nim9 & Snapealina

Managing Bill

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Title: Managing Bill
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus Lupin, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour.
Summary: Bill has a problem, Remus hopes he can provide the solution.
Word Count: 415
Warnings: None.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Twenty-Two prompt(s) used: Don't change for the world, because the world won't change for you.
Word Prompts: 2 a.m., 19
Pairing: Bill/Remus (Fleur)
Kink: orgasm denial
Beta(s): [info]lilyseyes.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Managing Bill on LJ/IJ/DW.

May 22nd, 2017

Howl at the Moon

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Title: Howl at the Moon
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Remus/Bill
Word Count: ~200 words
Rating: R
Content: Wolfishness
Challenge/prompts used: Pairing.
Author's Notes: Written for [info]hp_may_madness Day 22.

DW :: LJ :: IJ

Day 23 Prompts

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Prompts as follows:

Pairing: Hermione/Ginny

Prompt: Could you stop looking at her, and maybe notice me?

Word prompts: holiday, hot, horse

Kink: bondage


Nim9 & Snapealina

May 21st, 2017


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Title: (In)Famous
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: ~450 words
Rating: PG-13
Challenge/prompts used: Pairing, white, water, anonymous sex, "So, teach me your way, then."
Author's Notes: Written for [info]hp_may_madness Day 21.

DW :: LJ :: IJ

Day 22 Prompts

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Prompts as follows:

Pairing: Bill/Remus

Prompt: Don't change for the world, because the world won't change for you.

Word prompts: 2 a.m., 1800's, 19

Kink: orgasm denial


Nim9 & Snapealina

Harry's Way

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Title: Harry's Way
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: R
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Summary: Harry makes a persuasive argument.
Word Count: 705
Warnings: None.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Twenty-One prompt(s) used: So, teach me your way, then.
Word Prompts: writing, water, white
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Kink: anonymous sex
Beta(s): [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Harry's Way on LJ/IJ/DW.

May 20th, 2017

Family Man

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Title: Family Man
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Lucius/Bellatrix, Lucius/Narcissa implied
Word Count: ~200 words
Rating: PG
Challenge/prompts used: Pairing, beginning
Content: Infidelity
Author's Notes: Written for [info]hp_may_madness Day 20.

DW :: LJ :: IJ

Day 21 Prompts

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We’re 2/3rds of the way through, 66.66666, end of week three, however you want to say it!! Yay!! Lookin' good folks!!!!

Prompts as follows:

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Prompt: So, teach me your way, then.

Word prompts: writing, water, white

Kink: anonymous sex

*waves and hugs*

Nim9 & Snapealina

Cold Welcome

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Title: Cold Welcome
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: R
Pairing: Bellatrix Lestrange/Lucius Malfoy
Summary: Things have changed while Lucius was away.
Word Count: 714
Warnings: Non-con.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Twenty prompt(s) used: Once you do this, beware that you're mine forever
Word Prompts: below, balloon, beginning
Pairing: Bellatrix/Lucius
Kink: ice play
Beta(s): [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Cold Welcome on LJ/IJ/DW.

May 19th, 2017

Sweet Dreams

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Title: Sweet Dreams
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Hugo/Lily Luna
Word Count: ~200 words
Rating: NC-17
Challenge/prompts used: Pairing, "Promise you'll be better than any I've had before", dream sex
Author's Notes: Written for [info]hp_may_madness Day 19.

DW :: LJ :: IJ

Day 20 Prompts

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We now return to your regularly scheduled programming, lol!

Prompts as follows:

Pairing: Bellatrix/Lucius

Prompt: Once you do this, beware that you're mine forever

Word prompts: below, balloon, beginning

Kink: ice play


Nim9 & Snapealina

p.s. If anyone sees my muse please send her home…she’s particularly fond of ice cream, alcoholic beverages and spicy Asian food. Thanks!

Keeping Promises

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Title: Keeping Promises
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Pairing: Hugo Weasley/Lily Luna Potter
Summary: Deciding to take a chance is never easy.
Word Count: 555
Warnings: No actual porn.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Nineteen prompt(s) used: Promise you'll be better than any I've had before
Word Prompts: intelligence, itch, India
Pairing: Lily Luna Potter/Hugo Weasley
Kink: dream sex
Beta(s): [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Keeping Promises on LJ/IJ/DW.

May 18th, 2017

Painswick Apology

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Title: Painswick Apology
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Pairing: George Weasley/Angelina Johnson
Summary: George makes a persuasive argument.
Word Count: 565
Warnings: Outdoor snogging, and again, no actual porn.
A/N: Written for [info]hp_may_madness' 2017 fest.
Day Eighteen prompt(s) used: Move on ... life is not meant to be travelled backwards.
Word Prompts: zucchini, zigzag, zany
Pairing: George/Angelina
Kink: outside during a thunderstorm (brontophilia)
Beta(s): [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Painswick Apology on LJ/IJ/DW.
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