
May 30th, 2012

Harry Potter et. al. May Madness


May 30th, 2012

Day 30 prompts

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Only two more days to go. Keep up the amazing work, guys!

Today's prompts: excellent, enormously
Today's kink: public sex

Weekly Challenge: four times and one time

i.e. Four times Severus didn’t celebrate Christmas and the one time he did

or vice-versa Four times he did and one time he didn’t

Day 30: Bondage is Fun

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Title: Bondage is Fun
Characters/Pairing: Regulus/Severus, Lucius/Severus, Rabastan/Severus, Charlie/Severus, Severus/Harry
Word Count: 547
Rating: R
Warnings: bondage, bottom Snape,
Challenge: four times he did and one time he didn't
Author's Notes: unbeta'd for now.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. I am making no profit from the following exercise in creative writing

Bondage is Fun

Day: 30/31 Three drabbles,

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Title: Flowers for a Lady
Characters/Pairing: Rodolphus/Poppy
Word Count: 251
Rating: R
Prompt: azaleas
Author's Notes: unbeta'd for now.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. I am making no profit from the following exercise in creative writing

Flowers for a Lady

Title: Striving for Excellence
Characters/Pairing: Lucius/Severus
Word Count: 269
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: excellent
Kink: blow job
Author's Notes: unbeta'd for now.

One Should Always Strive for Excellence

Title: Anonymous Sex
Characters/Pairing: Rodolphus, OC
Word Count: 251
Rating: R
Warnings: prostitution AU
Prompt: anonymously
Author's Notes: unbeta'd for now. Set in same universe as Everything Has a Price

Anonymous Sex

FIC: Expect the Unexpected (Remus/Sirius)

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Title: Expect the Unexpected
Author: KateKintail
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Disclaimer: Not my characters or world. I make no money from this.
Summary: Remus promises Sirius that they’ll have sex. Sirius has a one-track mind.
Word Count: 1,270

Expect the Unexpected )

FIC: A Love of Plants (Neville/Charlie)

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Title: A Love of Plants
Author: KateKintail
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Disclaimer: Not my boys. I make no money from this.
Summary: You can’t love Neville Longbottom without also loving plants.
Word Count: 294
Prompt: azaleas

A Love of Plants )

FIC: Superheroes (Sirius & James)

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Title: Superheroes
Author: KateKintail
Rating: R
Pairing: Gen… okay, a bit of Sirius/James
Disclaimer: Not my boys! No money made! Please don’t sue!
Summary: James and Sirius don’t understand Remus’ infatuation with muggle comic books.
Word Count: 989
Kink: masturbation

Superheroes )
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