
May 18th, 2012

Harry Potter et. al. May Madness


May 18th, 2012

Day16: Stag Night; PG-13 Day 17: Filthy, Dirty Money; NC-17

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Title: Stag Night
Characters/Pairing: Rabastan, implied Draco/Harry
Word Count: 303
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: fluff, look at the rating
Prompt: 25 years old/cantaloupe
Author's Notes: unbeta'd for now.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. I am making no profit from the following exercise in creative writing

Stag Night

Title: Filthy, Dirty, Money
Characters/Pairing: Abraxas/Percy
Word Count: 554
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: arousal from financial news, table sex
Prompt: Taxes
Kink Dirty Talk
Author's Notes: unbeta'd for now.

Filthy, Dirty Money

once again, I've posted both fics on the same journal page. I didn't have time to get online and post last night.

Day 19 Prompts

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Look at the lovely posting today!  Both on ij and lj!  Yay!!  Way to go folks!!  I’ve got another part of mine almost ready….I hope to post two tomorrow.

Day 19 Prompts

Prompts: Torture, tactless

Kink: Quick sex

There are still a few more days of the Screwed by your neighbor challenge.  The new weekly challenge comes up on Sunday.

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