The Dungeons

December 23rd, 2009

01:53 am - [info]upuaut - (private)

Been a while since the last. Odd doing this without Jerome lurking somewhere waiting to check that I've done it. Don't even really know why I'm writing this but it seems right, yeah? Think about the differences between this year and the last. (Merlin, the differences....)

06:43 pm - [info]persuade_me - [In the dining room at Lake Cottage]

Don't look at me like that, Harry. If you're going to accuse me of something then just do it.

I had clearly indicated that I was going to buy that platter. And she practically trampled on Lily. If I hadn't acted I am sure she would have.

Honestly, they should have separate Diagons for people who know how to behave in a civilised manner and those that do not. At least at Christmas time. I am quite sure it's possible and perhaps you should look into it.
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