The Dungeons

November 29th, 2009

04:31 pm - [info]allandsundry - OWL POST: Bill Weasley, Oddswallow Hallow, Hogsmeade, Scotland

Dear Bill,

I found this the other day and thought maybe you might like a copy. Maybe, if you'd like, we might have lunch sometime this week. If you're free. Or week after, if that works better.

Just let me know.

Happy birthday, big brother.


Enclosed is a silver-framed photograph from last year's Weasley family Christmas tree outing of Ginny and Bill laughing with a delighted Lily and holding steady the fresh-cut tree.

04:44 pm - [info]upuaut - Owl post to Ginny Weasley, Celyn Cottage, Wales

Dear Ginny,

The picture is brilliant, thank you, and I'd love to have lunch with you this week. Free as a snitch these days, I can meet you anywhere, anytime.

It's good to hear from you, little sister, really good.


07:16 pm - [info]upuaut - Conversation in Luna's office at the Hollow

*footsteps and the hasty push of the door which creaks to a stop slightly ajar.*

- Right, no. You can't say that and just walk off. You think I'm too withdrawn? You think I am too withdrawn? I'm not the one pulling away, shutting the other out and hiding in your office!

07:20 pm - [info]allandsundry - OWL POST: Bill Weasley, Oddswallow Hallow, Hogsmeade, Scotland


Maybe lunch midweek, if that's all right? I'll even treat. We could meet at my office and Apparate to London if you'd like.


P.S. Did Mum give you another jumper?

07:33 pm - [info]persuade_me - [In a candle-lit wood-panelled restaurant]


France, by the table settings. Am I right?
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