The Dungeons

October 6th, 2009

09:08 am - [info]quidditch_prat - Note beside Draco's teacup on the breakfast table

Happy birthday, baby. I'll help you open this later tonight.


Tucked inside the note's envelope are tickets to box seats to Tristan und Isolde at the Royal Opera House in London later in the month, along with a suite reservation for the Mandarian Oriental that night. A slip from Henry Poole in Savile Row is included, indicating that final fittings are needed for two bespoke outfits--suits, shirts and ties--one for Mr Draco Malfoy and one for Mr Harry Potter, at their convenience.

Beneath the note is a small mahogany box. Carved on top is a lion with an ouroboros wrapped around its torso. The box is locked and impervious to unlocking charms. When the box is tilted, there's the soft clunk of something shifting inside.

09:09 am - [info]allandsundry - Package sitting on top of Draco's plate on the breakfast table

The note is written in Harry's handwriting but signed by Lily

Happy birthday!

Lily + Scorpius

(P.S. I think Lily plans to steal the pony back.)

Inside a large, sparkly-pink bag is a silver-framed photograph of Lily and Scorpius sitting in the back garden, arms wrapped around each other, as well as a bottle of cologne, a pair of handcobbled Italian leather shoes, and a pink, stuffed pony.

12:20 pm - [info]cauldron_brew - OWL POST: Draco Malfoy, Lake Cottage

My deepest regards on your birthday, ves'tacha.


Along with the note is an enormous bouquet of white lilies.

09:09 pm - [info]persuade_me - Conversation at the Athenaeum

*knocking at the door*

09:58 pm - [info]persuade_me - PHOENIX POST: Harry Potter, Lake Cottage

Dear Harry,

I am sorry to give you no more notice or context but I know you will understand how important this is. I am spending at least the next few hours with Severus, perhaps the night.

I am sure everything will go well enough that you shouldn't be anxious but I do know how you will feel, I know how I would feel, and I couldn't not tell you right away. We will be at Brown's, if in fact you cannot stand it. Things are difficult, not at all what I might want them to be, but I must try and I am sure you understand that.

Think of me, but don't wait up for me.

I love you endlessly.

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