The Dungeons

September 22nd, 2009

07:20 am - [info]persuade_me - Phoenix post: Severus Snape


I expect that you will inform either Harry or I of your general whereabouts at all times, so that we might be adequately informed in the case of any emergencies, particularly involving the children. For that matter, I think it entirely reasonable that regular visits be settled upon. Children often value routine, as you have so often insisted, and your disappearance has been a trouble to them. Regularity as to the time and place where they will next see you is important. I trust you will treat this with all the seriousness it deserves.

All communication from you may, of course, be directed to Harry. I am not for a moment expecting that you want to see me.


07:36 am - [info]persuade_me - Owl Post: Lucius Malfoy


I am writing to suggest that a donation to the new charitable fund for families needing assistance in relocating or tutoring their students after removing them from Hogwarts in support of Severus's cause would be very appropriate. Indeed I think it would be highly advisable. I might suggest a very large donation, under all the circumstances that might be considered by all the possible audiences for recent events.

You understand me very well, I am sure.

Mother sends her regards.


07:39 am - [info]umbridges_army - Conversation in the Slytherin Dungeons

*knocking* Opal?*knocking* Opal? Opal?

04:06 pm - [info]umbridges_army - Conversation in a Hogwarts corridor

Anthony Hargrave Stuart. I want a word with you.

The rest of you scatter. ( Now or I'll dock points from Ravenclaw. )

04:28 pm - [info]allandsundry - Owl post to Bill Weasley

*the post owl stays for a reply*


Talked to some people since we had lunch and yeah, it's pretty lean in Britain for what you want. I heard about Sutton Hoo, and if they can't take you on as a curse breaker, I don't see one of the other sites managing. Bit outside your areas of expertise, too, but that's irrelevant if all they've got are archivist and cataloging positions. The small digs keep the same half dozen people for decades, hard breaking in there.

Are you sure you're not willing to look outside Albion's rather circumscribed shores? You know as well as I do that they'd take you back at Luxor HQ in a heartbeat. And if you'd asked about this in early August, I could have put you on to something perfect for you at Lattara but they've hired since. But there's work out there for you if you're willing to go to it.

Let me know how far afield you're willing to go to get back into the field and I'll see what I can find.


09:36 pm - [info]aurorbabe - Conversation at Lucy's On a Plate, Cumbria

So the blue one? That's the right one, right? Also, can you order for me? I can't make a decision (about a house and an entrée in the same night.).

10:04 pm - [info]cauldron_brew - OWL POST: Draco Malfoy


I was under the assumption you didn't give a flying damn any longer where I deposited myself, but since my whereabouts are obviously concerning you, I have chosen to spend some time in Clerkenwell at Finola's townhouse. Which I am quite certain you've already discovered in some manner. You may find me there or at the Athenaeum, one of the two.

As you are the bloody keeper of the children's schedules, you tell me when you believe it most convenient to see them. If you wish it to be away from Lake Cottage, then have Harry or Marcellus bring them here to Clerkenwell.

If there is anything else you wish to demand of me, do feel free to owl.

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