The Dungeons

September 15th, 2009

03:21 pm - [info]sempre_libera - Owl Post: Draco Malfoy

Dear Draco,

I don't know if you've seen that Skeeter bitch's piece in the Prophet. Oh, of course you have, as has everyone else in the Wizarding world.

Mother has retreated to her divan, which bodes ill for all concerned. She railed at me for hours last night before 'collapsing.' Father is utterly livid and wants to take legal action, although he knows it's hopeless. He only said so to prevent Mother from throttling Barnabas Cuffe as she was threatening, in between bouts of muttering about 'echelons.' A murder charge is exactly what we need at the moment, although then she could join my 'dark lover' in Azkaban and harangue him until he tops himself.

If you have the time, I would welcome a chance to talk. I hope this owl finds you in a far more pleasant state than my own.

It's just so humiliating, even if it's mere calumny iced with hearsay.

Scandalously yours,


PS I do hope this will not have a negative impact on the Slytherin revolt plans. If anything, Mother is MORE concerned to consolidate control than ever.

05:26 pm - [info]persuade_me - [filter: pansy parkinson]


Rita Skeeter is so well known that no aspersions she could cast against you would do anything but heighten the esteem in which sensible people hold you.

I advise, from long experience, ignoring her as best you can and seeking your revenge by other means than legal redress. Perhaps a rhetorically but not actually revealing interview with a rival publication? I can recommend an excellent photographer for a glamorous photograph to accompany the story.
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