The Dungeons

September 13th, 2009

03:33 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - Conversation in Henry Poole, Savile Row, London

Thanks for coming, Luna. I know it's still a few weeks until his birthday, (but... )

05:13 pm - [info]persuade_me - In Draco's Bathroom at Lake Cottage

Harry? I assume that's you...

Where have you been?

05:46 pm - [info]loopy_love - Owl Post: Rolf Scamander


First off, I'm very sorry about taking so long to reply. Things have been hectic this past week and I've been trying to settle into a new schedule with having my brother in the evenings for lessons on most days.

Are we discussing Ravenclaws or students over all? In general, I would take points for the more minor infractions, in intervals of five to ten points and up, the more severe the more points, of course. Detentions were for the more serious infractions sometimes in combination with taking points. Some students respond better to one over the other. Lewis, for example, hated having points taken. It always comes out who is responsible for the points being taken away from the House and group censure worked better. Detentions will work best for students who respond better to the censure of a professor better than the censure of the students, such as Bailey. My brother was another one that worked that way, but you've never seen him in action. And sometimes both is needed. However, neither of these should be done for no reason or a shallow one, from a professor's standpoint. Students find all reasons shallow of course, and for the truly minor infractions, such as uniform issues, I would give a warning or two first.

I do hope this helps, and I'll try to get back to you quicker in the future.


08:09 pm - [info]persuade_me - Phoenix Post: Severus Snape

Dear Severus,

I am writing to ask if you would please join me for dinner tomorrow night. If not tomorrow night, then the next night, or indeed any night that suits you, but tomorrow if you can. If you are not too busy.

Can I suggest that we meet at the American Bar at the Savoy, at six o'clock? Perhaps you will be annoyed at my presuming such a reminder of other times for us but I can't help it. I think I am still entitled to remember, if to nothing else. I don't believe that either of us want things to go on like this. Meet me. Have dinner with me. I think that remembering might be very good for us both right now.

Yours always,

11:24 pm - [info]cauldron_brew - OWL POST: Draco Malfoy


I have a prior engagement tomorrow afternoon; however, I suppose I can meet you afterwards. I'll be there at seven.

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