The Dungeons

August 24th, 2009

10:25 am - [info]allandsundry - Owl post to all Hogwarts staff

*Board of Governors stationery*

To All Hogwarts Staff,

The recent irregularities have caused the Hogwarts Board of Governors considerable concern. In light of this, the Board has given great thought to Hogwarts' best interests.

I am pleased to inform you that a new Headmistress has been instated and will take possession of the office and authority of Head immediately. Some of you may recall Headmistress Dolores Umbridge's previous tenure at the school. We are sure that there will be no untoward events this time to prevent the orderly return to Hogwarts business. Chairman Scrimgeour and the Board are certain that she is the best choice for a return to Hogwarts' prior greatness.

As you may expect, the recent staff turnover places Hogwarts school at a disadvantage for the coming school year. Headmistress Umbridge has the confidence of the Board, and we are certain that her staffing choices will be in the best interests of the school.We look forward to a bright, continued future for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with Headmistress Umbridge at its fore.

Yours, etc.,

Edwin F. Hibbit-Turril
on behalf of R. Scrimgeour and the Board of Governors
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

10:36 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - Conversation at the Lake Cottage Floo hearth

...that was too damn many people. ( I need a drink. )

11:59 pm - [info]sempre_libera - Royal Mail Airmail: Sr. Laurenzio Benvenuti, Orta San Giulio, Italy

I don't know whom you had to kill to get it...
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