The Dungeons

August 7th, 2009

11:45 am - [info]allandsundry - Express owl post to all Hogwarts Board of Governors members


Our chairman has asked me to take on a number of duties as he is taken up with election matters. The most pressing is, as well all know, this distressing and long drawn matter of Headmaster Snape and his unfortunate son, Marcellus Dolohov-Snape.

I'm sure you will all agree that this should be put to rest once and for all. In light of this, I am calling a meeting of the full Board of Governors for Sunday, August 9, at 3pm. Yes, this is this weekend. Full attendance is preferred, but in lieu of that a quorum will suffice. This matter must be concluded.

Yours, etc.,

Edwin F. Hibbit-Turrill

08:30 pm - [info]gilded_heart

I have a home. Did you know that? Of course you did. After all, how could I not have a house? The mediwitch who helped me out of the hospital and into that disgustingly black and sooty chimney apparently knew precisely where it was and how to get there. For, as soon as she said "Gilderoy Lockhart's Home" she was "poofed" off in the most amazing sort of way!

08:59 pm - [info]persuade_me - In the library at Lake Cottage


Lily has agreed to go to bed, then?
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