The Dungeons

August 1st, 2009

12:38 pm - [info]allandsundry - WARDED OWL POST: Sent individually to all Hogwarts governors, save Lucius Malfoy and Dio Bobbin

My dear colleague,

Sincerest apologies for disturbing you upon your weekend, but the following photographs were sent to me via a very well-placed source. It seems that our esteemed Headmaster's private affairs are, shall we say, even more complicated than we have previously been led to believe.

I don't believe there is anything more I can add to these most interesting photographs other than to say my, my, Lucius. It does put our dear friend's impassioned defence of his, ah, son-in-law in quite a different light, I daresay. A bit of a conflict of interest, one might say. But such matters never seem to have been an issue among the particular social circles our fine friends enjoyed not terribly long ago, yes?

I have, of course, put the customary privacy charms on this correspondence. This matter will be, for the moment, confined to Board privilege.

As always,
Yours, etc.

Rufus Scrimgeour

Enclosed are copies of the photographs included in this owl from Friday evening. They have been charmed so as to be viewable only to the recipient; both the photographs and the letter have privacy wards and charms on them to prevent them and their contents being shared to anyone outside the board circle, whether with family, friends or press.

01:52 pm - [info]allandsundry - WARDED OWL POST: Draco Malfoy, Lake Cottage

Mr Malfoy,

I should like to meet with you, if you will. Alone. If you will join me for tea at my London house at half-four today, I would be most pleased. The Floo is Scrim Hall.


Rufus Scrimgeour
Chair, Board of Governors
Hogwarts School

04:05 pm - [info]allandsundry - Warded Owl: Lavinia Bones, Gen. Superintendent, St. Mungo's, to Rufus Scrimgeour, MLE

Dear Rufus,

Thank you for forwarding copies of those photos. Although I know you've had concerns about Severus' performance for some time, I'm sure that you found the entire matter as disconcerting and distasteful as I do.

04:11 pm - [info]persuade_me - Conversation at Scrim Hall

Mr Scrimgeour...

Good afternoon.

As you can see I received your most unusual note.

05:14 pm - [info]persuade_me - Phoenix Post: Harry Potter

You must urgently meet me. At the bar where we first went for drinks, I want a Muggle place. And ensure you're not followed or traced, not by the press or by private detectives or Ministry officials of any kind.

05:45 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - Conversation in The Stag and Antler, Islington, London

Hey. I came as soon as I could--Severus was napping, so I left the kids with your mum. ( What's wrong? )

06:21 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - OWL POST: Narcissa Malfoy, Lake Cottage boathouse


I hate to be a pest, but would you mind if Lily slept over in the boathouse tonight? Draco's in a bit of a state at the moment and needs a night away, I think, and I don't want to dump both the kids on Severus.

Thanks, and if you need either of us, we'll be at Smallacoombe Downs. I'll come get her in the morning.


06:25 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - OWL POST: Severus Snape, Lake Cottage


Draco and I are staying over at Smallacoombe Downs tonight. Something's come up, and he needs a night away from Lake Cottage. Narcissa has Lily. Issy can help you with Scorpius. We'll be home tomorrow.

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