The Dungeons

July 16th, 2009

11:01 am - [info]allandsundry - Warded owl post from Diogenes Bobbin to Camden Edgecombe


I think we're agreed this nonsense has gone on long enough. I've seen Lavinia, she's back of course and willing to see reason after I explained the facts to her without Hibbet-Turril's flair for making everything sound like the worst of salacious rumour. I say we put it to a vote at the next meeting and push through until there's a decision. Ideally one where this ridiculous proposal is met with a resounding "Nay" instead of the smirking innuendo and gleeful maneouvering of fellows who see a bit of Pepper-up in a wading pool and think it's blood in the water.

We must bring this back to the true matter at hand, and what we convened to discuss; what to do with Dolohov-Snape. I'm having luncheon with Pilliwickle this afternoon, much good it will do my digestion. If he lets go of Rufus' coat tails long enough he may just swing. I'll talk up his Slytherin grand daughter to make the case if I have to. I think you'll be seeing Roman at the Lamminghams? Sound her out, will you? She must be chafing at how this has moved away from addressing the matter of Dolohov-Snape, if nothing else.

Regards to the family,

Dio. Bobbin
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