The Dungeons

July 14th, 2009

02:48 pm - [info]allandsundry - Warded confidential memo to the office of records

To: Agnes Spoonington, Scroll Supervisor, Office of Records
From: Jo Trilby, Office of the Minister
RE: Election process

I know I was down there yesterday looking through the stacks, but I need a few more documents. Attached is a list of the records I need regarding the previous four general elections. Send up copies, will you? I'm going to need to hold on to them.

Thanks Agnes!


02:52 pm - [info]allandsundry - Warded confidential memo to the office of protocol

To: Phyllida Rotheringham
From: Jo Trilby, Office of the Minister
RE: Election and Parliamentary protocol

There's got to be something in the books for this, there's something for everything. You know we can't announce yet until the Minister signs off on it. Let me know what else you need and we'll figure it out, but the last thing he wants is to leave with an open seat in the offing.

02:58 pm - [info]allandsundry - Warded confidential memo to the office of the Minister

To: Jo Trilby, Office of the Minister
From: Phyllida Rotheringham
RE: Election and Parliamentary protocol

There is, but nothing can be done until he signs off on it. If he were anyone but the Minister, I'd tell him to make up his mind already and just do it. He has to follow the proper procedure or the investiture doesn't pass properly. I don't care if it's a goat in a sailor suit, but someone has to take on the investiture.

04:01 pm - [info]upuaut - (filtred: friends) Day 2 back at work

Never did say we were back, been too busy. Alexandria was brilliant, even if we did get stuck in a Byzantine tomb overnight due to blatant incompetence on the part of the site coordinator as well as the crew chief. But enough of that.

(Break's over and back to work work work.) Nunez has me training up an intern. Nice enough fellow, but real wet behind the ears. Top notch education, good control and strong magic, and most importantly real enthusiasm. No experience to speak of, of course. It should be interesting.

Whup! Got to go, he's tripped one of the resetting wards again.
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