The Dungeons

May 28th, 2009

01:06 pm - [info]allandsundry - Note left on Harry's desk, Ministry of Magic, London


Stepping out to run an errand. Should be back before you return from lunch; however, on the chance that I'm not, your diary for this afternoon has changed.

I've rescheduled your weekly with the Minister for tomorrow morning--yes, he knows--in order to fit in Nick Clegg, Vince Cable, and Chris Huhne at three at the LibDem offices. From what Mr Clegg's admin said, I believe they're interested in gauging our support for his remarks in yesterday's Guardian regarding Westminster's expense report brouhaha versus Mr Cameron's plan. (I've clipped both in case you've not had a chance to read them yet. Best to do so before you leave for Cowley Street. And there's a fresh Muggle suit hanging in your wardrobe; Draco had Issy press it for you. He says for you to wear the grey silk tie with it.) Please try to find a comb to pull through your hair and don't forget to put on the appropriate shoes since your trainers do not go with your suit. You are not Number Ten.


Attached are two articles from the Guardian, Nick Clegg's Bar the gates, and David Cameron's A new politics.

09:13 pm - [info]allandsundry - Conversation in Gryffindor Common Room

Topper, it's not polite to read over someone's shoulder. I'm busy.
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