The Dungeons

March 23rd, 2009

12:00 am - [info]redgoldpride - Letter forwarded to Arthur Weasley

Dear Dad, Dear Dad
Dear Dad,

I didn't mean not to answer you. In court. When you were talking to me as they were taking me out. I'm not sure exactly what you said because I could hardly think but I got the jist of it. I mean, I know what you would've been saying. I know what you would've said. It's not that I ever thought anything like this would happen but I know you. I know the kind of man you are, the kind of Dad you are, and I know you would've said that you love me, that the family loves me, and that you're there for me. I know that. I knew it was true anyway. No matter what I've done I know that.

Read more... )

I love you all. That's it, that's all I can say, it's all I have. All I have left.

But I don't want you to come and see me. I don't want any of you to. They said one hour a week for visitors, I know, but I've told them I don't want any. I don't think that looked very sane to them and I gave up trying to explain that it was completely sane and the most really Ron Weasley thing I think I've done in ages. So they won't stop you, so I want you to tell them all that I don't want to be seen like this. Maybe if I do get better, if I get so as in a whole day I always know where I am and who I am and when I am and that there's only one me here to be responsible for it all then it will be all right. But I haven't had a day like that yet, and I don't want to put Mum or anyone else I love through it.


01:33 pm - [info]redgoldpride - In the criminal ward of St Mungo's, Cell 186


04:00 pm - [info]loopy_love - (Private Post): Paroemiological Musings

He always talks of forever and I don't know what to say. He means it, I know he does. Right now, of course he means it. He wouldn't say something that he didn't mean. He is the most straight forward man I know, sincere and guileless, if not precisely open.

( So when he says something, I know that he believes it. )

10:22 pm - [info]persuade_me - Phoenix Post: Blaise Zabini

Dearest Blaise,

I urgently need your assistance tomorrow in my important project of spending an offensive amount of money on nothing in particular, whatever I please, and anything at all I can find to amuse me.

Tomorrow Scorpius and Severus will be undergoing what is necessary for Severus's new treatment, and Harry will be with them. I cannot do it; I cannot be there; I could not bear it.

I am therefore urgently in need of distraction from just after breakfast tomorrow until at least six o'clock. We will be a little restricted because Lily will be with us, but I will bring Issy as well so that neither excessive parcels nor a little girl's need for her own sorts of distractions will be problems without any remedy but our own efforts. I will arrive in your library, with this entourage, around nine in the morning, reliant as always on your having nothing to do that you would not cancel if I desperately need you, as tomorrow I certainly will.

I doubt I will sleep tonight, but I should try, having insisted that everyone else do so.

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