The Dungeons

March 3rd, 2009

03:17 am - [info]upuaut - (private post)


*the thunk of running shoes being removed, and the rustle of a towel and a cough*

Merlin's blue balls, it's cold tonight. March, it doesn't feel like March. The air should be getting softer, and the bulbs in Mum's garden should start showing a bit of green. The gnomes should be waking up. Not here. (Here, it's still cold enough to freeze the tits off a bronze statue.)

06:22 pm - [info]snuff_dog - Note appearing in Arthur Weasley's teacup

(He's in Russia.)

(*30 seconds after reading, the note incinerates itself*)

06:26 pm - [info]snuff_dog - Note appearing in Remus Lupin's teacup

Moony --

What we talked about the other night? (I'm off to Russia to take care of it.) I will be BACK BY THE FULL. Kiss the cublet for me and DO NOT WORRY.


07:02 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - Conversation in Lily's bedroom, Lake Cottage

I do not like them in a box. I do not like them with a fox. I do not like them in a house. I do not like them with a mouse. ( I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere... )

09:45 pm - [info]redgoldpride - Conversation in an alley in St Petersburgh


What was it, another tracking device?

10:34 pm - [info]loopy_love - Filtered Post: Bill Weasley

I was going to put this up earlier, but then I thought, knowing you, you'd see it and wouldn't rest properly at all and reply instead. Today was all right then? I didn't see you since I had so much to catch up with here at the school after staying in London yesterday. Actually I'm still catching up and hence the computer instead of finding me ( camped on your sofa once again. )

11:17 pm - [info]aurorbabe - To Searchers/ All Associates, Missing/Rogue Auror Case Weasley, WardKey NT4967-43

Several reports suggest target may have relocated or temporarily rested on the Continent. Bit of a snowstorm here so not the best spellwork and had to use quite a bit of our budget (on mittens and hot cocoa. )
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