The Dungeons

February 11th, 2009

10:38 am - [info]rjohnlupin

*voice post*

I don't know that I've ever... been so sick... or weak.

10:49 am - [info]cauldron_brew - Delivered via house elf to Marcellus Dolohov-Snape's office at Hogwarts


My highest regards on the anniversary of your birth. I am proud of you, and my greatest regret is that I was not present thirty years ago the moment you entered this world, squalling.


Along with the note are a four-volume set of Moll's Essays on the Linguistics of Hexes, Curses, Jinxes, Necromancy, Pernicathaumatology, Malum Naturæ, and Other Various and Assorted Dark Spells, 1845-88 and a worn and battered leather-covered journal dated 1978-79 and filled with ink-spattered entries in a slightly messier version of Snape's normally precise handwriting. The journal is spelled to be opened by Snape and Marcellus only, and a note is tucked behind the front cover that reads This has helped me to recall fragments of the past in recent weeks. I think perhaps I should now share them with my son.

12:05 pm - [info]snuff_dog - WARDED OWL POST: Ron Weasley

Get him the fucking letter right now, you twat. (Have you been knocked on the head recently?)

Remus is not up to anything right now. Especially Harry's whinging. I'll tell him you asked after him, though. Perhaps he'll take a visitor in a few days.


12:39 pm - [info]upuaut - Left on Marcellus Dolohov-Snape's desk

*A bottle of good local whisky with a ward against student tampering upon it and a note*

Happy birthday. Cheers, Bill

01:17 pm - [info]loopy_love - Delivered to Marcellus Dolohov-Snape's office

A small copy of Kandinsky's Dusk wrapped in plain white paper with a green bow. Attached is a card that reads:


Many happy returns. I thought you could use something to decorate your office.


02:56 pm - [info]dozhd - Conversation in Draco's study, Lake Cottage

Thank you, Issy. Take Scorpius in to see Van and Katya, please?

*splash of wine into a glass*

Now for you. ( Drink. )

03:24 pm - [info]allandsundry - Turned in during 4th year Arithmancy class

( Fifth page of assignment )

05:48 pm - [info]aurorbabe - Note left just inside the door of Marcellus' quarters

My Marik,

I have reservations at Alinea, don't even ask how I managed that. Or if Chicago is too far away for a school night, should we get take-out from Thanasi's? Assuming, of course, that you're free for dinner. You could have detentions to give or plans to meet a friend at a pub or something, who knows?

I love you.

Your Vi

Under the note is a small wrapped package containing a framed candid photograph of Marcellus holding Van and Katya from a few months ago, and a small brown bag containing the best keemun/Tarry Souchong tea blend from St. Petersburg.
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