The Dungeons

January 26th, 2009

06:37 pm - [info]loopy_love - Miniature Hot Air Balloon Note: Douglas Lovegood


I went looking for you, and I haven't been able to find you. I'll be in quarters this evening so why don't you come and find me. You're my brother, after all, and I don't get nearly so many opportunities to talk to you as I'd like. I did manage to get more biscuits for tea. The chocolate digestives that you like. And Hob Nobs even.


08:15 pm - [info]upuaut - Conversation in Celyn Cottage

It all looks great.

... Right, so I wanted to talk because I have some news, and I wanted to talk to you about it first. Before the rest of the family, and everyone.

09:39 pm - [info]allandsundry - FLOO CALL: Harry Potter, Lake Cottage

Harry? Harry, are you there? ( Please be there. )
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