The Dungeons

January 20th, 2009

06:56 pm - [info]allandsundry - Conversation in Luna Lovegood's quarters

*door slams*

Right, so girls make absolutely no sense. I mean really, you'd think they'd have the common sense to go to the hospital wing when something's wrong with them, but instead they just sit there looking at you!

What? ( No tea? )

09:36 pm - [info]loopy_love - Filtered Post: Bill Weasley

I should probably warn you...

( Douglas is low on funds. )

11:04 pm - [info]allandsundry - OWL POST: Callista Duruz

Darling Callista,

You simply won't believe who was in the box beside mine tonight at Turandot. Harry Potter. Comical thing he is, sort of sweet and hapless, the poor child. Orphan, you remember and raised by Muggles, it's no wonder about the hair and the goings on in the papers.

I know what you're thinking, of course. Who knew he could find the opera let alone stay awake through Turandot which, darling, I don't mind saying to you can be the eensiest bit turgid at times. But that is the thing you will not believe. He was probably coaxed there, and I say coaxed in the most euphemestic possible terms, Callista, although you know I could never abide salacious gossip it's so rarely credible, by Narcissa Malfoy's boy. Narcissa DeVries, I should say. DeVries, really, after all those years. She always was such a singular girl.

So they were in one of the irregular boxes, the nice one just next to ours and I don't mind telling you it was perfectly shameless. ( Perfectly shameless. )

It's late, and Gerald will be wanting his port and you know how he's gotten with the elves lately. Let's have lunch and I may let you prise some little details out of me if the wine is quite charming.

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