The Dungeons

December 2008
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03:16 pm: [info]snuff_dog CHRISTMAS!
04:08 pm: [info]loopy_love House-elf delivery: Professor Slughorn
05:26 pm: [info]upuaut Owl post to Ginny Weasley
05:34 pm: [info]upuaut Owl post to Charlie Weasley and Elle Holloway
06:32 pm: [info]persuade_me Note delivered by house-elf: Elspeth Edgell
07:11 pm: [info]allandsundry Owl post to Gregory and Rachel Goyle
07:39 pm: [info]cauldron_brew Private post
08:02 pm: [info]quidditch_prat Conversation at Lake Cottage
08:06 pm: [info]loopy_love Left on the desk in Luna's private rooms
09:47 pm: [info]operculum Floo call to Luna Lovegood, private chambers
04:54 pm: [info]upuaut (private post) yet more espionage
06:46 pm: [info]aurorbabe Vampire baseball (no real vampires, please)
07:33 pm: [info]dozhd Filtered post: Bill Weasley
08:45 pm: [info]loopy_love Filtered Post: Marcellus Dolohov-Snape
02:10 am: [info]loopy_love Private Post: In order
01:49 pm: [info]loopy_love Note left in Marik's office
04:04 pm: [info]upuaut (private post) in the continuing story of espionage
06:11 pm: [info]vereticus Conversation overheard in the Great Hall during dinner
08:08 pm: [info]loopy_love Overheard Conversation in a Hogwarts corridor
08:33 pm: [info]upuaut Conversation in Bill's Hogwarts office
07:06 am: [info]allandsundry OWL POST: All Weasleys (and Harry)
10:16 pm: [info]upuaut Floo call to Ginny Weasley
11:30 pm: [info]persuade_me [filter: private]
02:09 pm: [info]allandsundry Owl Post: Nemesis Zabini to Dylan Cadenza (Warded)
04:07 pm: [info]snuff_dog Overheard at Grim Cottage
10:06 pm: [info]allandsundry Conversation in Bill Weasley's Quarters
11:18 pm: [info]quidditch_prat Filtered post: Draco Malfoy
09:12 am: [info]allandsundry Whispers overheard in the corridor outside the Great Hall
11:17 pm: [info]loopy_love Private Post: Abrophrenia
12:21 am: [info]weasleymum Private Post
10:17 pm: [info]upuaut (private post)
04:39 pm: [info]upuaut (private post) well, that was anticlimactic
02:21 pm: [info]upuaut (private post) behind door number 3
08:24 pm: [info]snuff_dog Overheard in Grim Cottage
10:32 am: [info]upuaut Owl post to Charlie Weasley
07:42 pm: [info]allandsundry Note left next to Charlie Weasley's plate at dinner
06:05 pm: [info]upuaut Warded owl post to Douglas Lovegood
01:20 am: [info]fieryhart Heavily Warded Private Post - Last week my status was different
09:33 pm: [info]weasleymum Private Post
10:17 pm: [info]upuaut (private post)
10:35 pm: [info]upuaut (private post)
11:17 pm: [info]loopy_love Private Post: holidays
09:58 am: [info]upuaut Conversation in a common apparation location in a London park.
08:03 pm: [info]operculum (filtre: Severus)
08:20 pm: [info]operculum Warded owl post to Pomona Sprout
08:39 pm: [info]allandsundry A tin tossed through the floo
08:49 pm: [info]operculum Delivery to Lake Cottage via House Elf
10:13 pm: [info]rachelsbitch Owl Post to Draco Malfoy and Jo Trilby
10:32 pm: [info]persuade_me Phoenix post: Gregory Goyle
10:48 pm: [info]rachelsbitch Owl Post: Draco Malfoy
11:05 pm: [info]quidditch_prat Filtered post: Ron Weasley
11:29 am: [info]weasleymum Conversation in the Fairy Ring Cafe, Diagon Alley
09:59 pm: [info]persuade_me Filter: Harry Potter
08:08 am: [info]loopy_love Private Post: Bicycles are built for two
08:56 am: [info]persuade_me Note left for Issy of Lake Cottage
11:13 pm: [info]allandsundry Unmarked express owl post to Bill Weasley
01:26 pm: [info]upuaut Warded owl post to Douglas Lovegood
07:52 am: [info]sicarian Hippogriff delivery to Draco Malfoy
08:00 am: [info]quidditch_prat Heard throughout Lake Cottage
09:54 am: [info]allandsundry Mobile Call: Luna Lovegood
10:14 am: [info]rjohnlupin (no subject)
10:15 am: [info]cauldron_brew Left on Severus's worktable admist a crumple of wrapping paper and ribbons
10:04 pm: [info]allandsundry Owl Post: Professor William Weasley
10:37 pm: [info]upuaut Warded owl post to Douglas Lovegood
10:55 pm: [info]allandsundry Owl Post: Professor William Weasley
11:20 pm: [info]upuaut Warded owl post to Douglas Lovegood
09:55 pm: [info]persuade_me Warded owl post: Janus Ellenborough
10:11 pm: [info]rachelsbitch Overheard at the Goyle residence
10:24 pm: [info]upuaut A receipt crumpled to ash in the fireplace in Bill's Hogwarts rooms.
07:44 am: [info]allandsundry Warded Owl to Confidential Owlery Ltd: Attention Client #Q4198
12:51 pm: [info]cubwort (no subject)
12:54 pm: [info]allandsundry Warded owl to Harry Potter
02:39 pm: [info]operculum Owl post to old and new friends
06:30 pm: [info]loopy_love Private Post: Autotranscribe
08:42 pm: [info]quidditch_prat Conversation in Lake Cottage
04:03 am: [info]allandsundry Warded Owl to Confidential Owlery Ltd
10:02 am: [info]allandsundry Owl Post: William Weasley
11:24 am: [info]upuaut (private post)
11:49 am: [info]upuaut Filtered post: Narcissa de Vries
07:03 pm: [info]upuaut Filtered post: Harry
08:02 pm: [info]quidditch_prat Filtered post: Ron Weasley
08:56 pm: [info]dozhd (no subject)
09:07 pm: [info]persuade_me [filter: Nymphadora Dolohov-Snape]
09:11 pm: [info]persuade_me [filter: Blaise Zabini]
10:08 pm: [info]aurorbabe Private Post
11:17 pm: [info]dozhd Filtered post: Draco Malfoy
06:16 am: [info]sicarian Owl Post
02:46 pm: [info]cauldron_brew Conversation in St Mungo's
11:20 pm: [info]upuaut Conversation on the Hogwarts roof.
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