Sat, May. 8th, 2010, 12:23 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The Madmen, the Scarecrow and the Milkmaid" for featherxquill

Recipient: featherxquill
Author/Artist: [info]cranky__crocus
Title: The Madmen, the Scarecrow and the Milkmaid
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Rita Skeeter/Irma Pince; Aunt Muriel/Mr. Ollivander/Xenophilius Lovegood (mentioned)
Word Count: 2811
Warnings: The rating is the primary warning.
Summary: Irma spends a day of her holiday in one of her favourite bookshops. Irma had established that she was weary of other patrons.
Author's/Artist's Notes: I apologise for only offering a brief mention of one of your requested pairings; if I ever get the hang of the characters I will make haste in sending you another story! I hope you enjoy it.

The Madmen, the Scarecrow and the Milkmaid )