Sun, Apr. 19th, 2009, 12:08 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "By The Light Of The Moon" for venturous

Recipient: [info]venturous / [info]venturous1
Author: [info]psyfic
Title: By The Light Of The Moon
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Albus/Phineas, Severus/Minerva
Word Count: 8,480
Warnings: voyeurism, wanking, non-sexual violence, Rowlingesque Latin, portrait sex, first time, h/c
Summary: One cold and fateful night in that wretched year of the Hallows, two couples come to a better understanding of one another...
Author's Notes: Thank you to [info]venturous / [info]venturous1 for her spread of pairings and prompts that inspired this fic. Pleasant beholding!

By The Light Of The Moon )