Wed, Apr. 16th, 2008, 07:24 pm
[info]beholder_mod: FIC: 'Antidote' for Anonymous (one of *two* gifts!)

Recipient: Anonymous
Author: [info]shocfix
Title: Antidote
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Arthur/Severus
Word Count: 1069
Warnings: None.
Summary: See below
Author's Notes:Written for Anonymous, for the inaugural [info]hp_beholder, the fest for romancing those characters who usually get the fuzzy end of the lollipop, romance-wise.

She asked for Arthur, which warms my cockles - she also asked if her neglected character could hook up with some Snape, which is funny, because he is the least sexual character in my corner of the fandom, so, for me, the fest is kinda backwards, and poor neglected Severus is gonna score with a Weasley.


Many thanks to the luminous M for the beta and hand holding and to the very patient [info]bethbethbeth for running this unique fest.

Antidote )

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