May 12th, 2013

07:45 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "Dull as Dirt, Brilliant as the Stars" for odogoddess

Recipient: [info]psyfic
Author: ???
Title: Dull as Dirt, Brilliant as the Stars
Rating: PG-13 (for a few words)
Pairings: Gregory Goyle/Millicent Bulstrode, past Vincent Crabbe/Millicent Bulstrode
Word Count: 4,343 words
Medium: fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *mention of canon character death*.
Summary: Greg is lost without Vince, but he somehow manages to find Millicent.
Author's Notes: I apologize for the state of this fic. It was going to be rather grander in scope and backstory, but my computer crashed, and I lost it. This is what I managed to come up with (and I appreciate [info]atdelphi’s patience with me!). There might be just the slightest creative flexing of canon, but it should be nearly imperceptible.

Dull as Dirt, Brilliant as the Stars )

08:04 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "Come Back to Haunt You" for therealsnape

Recipient: TheRealSnape
Author/Artist: ???
Title: Come Back to Haunt You
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Moaning Myrtle/Minerva McGonagall, background Minerva McGonagall/Amelia Bones
Word Count: 4000
Medium: Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View):  *Grief; one character is dealing with the death of another. Also, an apparent May-December romance, although I believe the characters feel themselves to be of the same age.*.
Summary: Nothing about love makes sense.
Author's/Artist's Notes: In my universe, for a number of reasons you probably don’t need to hear about at length, Pottermore never existed. What you do need to know here is that your gentle author never adjusted her initial assessment of Minerva McGonagall’s age. The Minerva McGonagall of “Come Back to Haunt You” is a contemporary of Tom Riddle, as is the ghost known as Moaning Myrtle. Thank you to my accidental beta S and to for accepting the torch.

Come Back to Haunt You )