May 1st, 2012

01:18 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Behind the Masks" for anguis_1

Recipient: [info]anguis_1
Author/Artist: ???
Title: Behind The Masks
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairings: Gregory Goyle/Marietta Edgecombe, mention of past Greg/Pansy Parkinson
Word Count: ~5500
Warnings/Content Information: *[frottage, semi-clothed sex, minor Hermione-bashing, minor Pansy-bashing]*.
Summary: Falmouth Falcons' Beater Gregory Goyle would never be the cleverest man in the room, but he wasn't quite as dim as people believed. Now if only he could get the team's new Healer, Marietta Edgecombe, to see that too.
Author's/Artist's Notes: [info]anguis_1, it was a pleasure writing for you – I'd never written either of these characters before, so it was a great experience to try my hand at both of them. I hope you like the results.

Much gratitude and thanks to my incredible brain stormers and hand holders: R & K & K2 & M, all of whom helped me figure out the whos as well as the wherefores and whys of this fic, and wouldn't let it defeat me, and my betas: K & K2 (again!) plus J for making it so much better than it was. And of course, much love to our ever-patient mod, [info]bethbethbeth, who puts up with my tardiness year after year.

Behind The Masks )

01:30 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Avarice. Regret and a Spoonful of Courage" for purplefluffycat

Recipient: purplefluffycat
Author: ???
Title: Avarice, Regret and a Spoonful of Courage
Rating: NC-17 (just to be safe)
Pairings: Dumbledore/Slughorn
Word Count: 2,347
Medium: fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[canon character death]*.
Summary: A glimpse of the relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Horace Slughorn.
Author's note: Many thanks to my beta sq and the mod for the fest and her patience!

Avarice, Regret and a Spoonful of Courage  )